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The Luna Babies Foundation is committed to extending support, comfort, and financial aid to families navigating the loss of their infant. Our mission is twofold: first, to establish a compassionate community for grieving parents, providing a space where they can find solace and understanding during this difficult time; second, to address the financial burden associated with infant loss by offering meaningful financial assistance. Together, we strive to be a beacon of support for families as they navigate the intricate journey of healing and remembrance.

Application for Financial Assistance

Holding Hands

Community Resources

Scented Candle

Apply to Become an Approved Provider

Did You Know...

The leading cause of infant death are birth defects, preterm birth/low birth weight, SID, injury, & pregnancy complications

In 2020, Nebraska had 138 infants die before their first birthday.  An infant mortality rate of

5.68 per 1000 births

In 2021, Nebraska's preterm birth rate was 10.79 per 1000 births

(birth before 37 weeks)

In the US, nearly 20,000 infants died before their first birthday.  An infant mortality rate of

5.4 per 1000 births


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The Luna Babies Foundation offers support to grieving families and because of you, families can receive financial assistance during this difficult time after loosing their infant.  Your donation allows a family to grieve without the stress or financial burden of the burial/cremation costs.   No family should worry about how they are going to pay for these services, rather, they should be able to grieve their loss and find comfort in the memories shared with their infant. 

Shop local at the

Good Life Candle and Craft in Ralston

Purchase the "Lullaby" candle and a percentage of proceeds will be donated back to the foundation. Follow this link to purchase online: Lullaby

Get in Touch

PO Box 103

Bennington, Ne 68007

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